Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Scared Skinny

When it comes to soda, I have heard many bad things about canned soda and how the top of the lid is smothered with bacteria. But the focus has always been, and rightfully so, on how un-sanitary the lids are. Well, what about soda fountains? Here is one such University study which took place in Roanoke Virginia, where the actual contents of soda fountains have been tested. The results are to say the least, diet changing!! In a study of over 90 beverages and 3 types (regular soda, diet soda, and water) at over 30 fast food restaurants, over 50 percent of these soda fountains have tested positive for fecal bacteria! See details at:
Today, I went to one of my favorite Mexican restaurants for lunch and noticed for the first time "Hey, they ONLY have a soda fountain here"! Trying to not look too out of place, I commenced a fill up of sprite. Hey, at least it's clear, attempting to trick the kind into thinking it's not tainted with bacteria. But during the meal I simply could not bring myself to take even one sip. Saving myself from that 50% chance of drinking bad soda and the not so small amounts of sugar involved, then I realized, hey I am scaring myself skinny. This is one sure method of cutting out all calories from soda.